Cooper: In Memoriam

Cooper was a remarkable dog, a beloved member of the family of my Alabama friends, Matt and Rebecca Harnesss. For years, he was at my side as I trained for several marathons. He passed away earlier this month and will be sorely missed.

In recent years when I visited, he was unable to run. Still, whenever I showed up, he found his way to me and stood beside me. Becca remembers how protective he was of Anne Marie after she was born, hovering close by and keeping a watchful eye whenever visitors held her. She summed up well Cooper’s life: “He was a good friend and a loyal companion.”

This picture was taken in 2011. I wrote then:

It’s fall, and as usual, I’m training for the Huntsville marathon. This year my training partner has been Cooper, a magnificent Weimaraner.

After many miles of road work together, Cooper and I are besties. We’re true soul mates. He, too, is an Old School Presbyterian, a Burkean conservative, and looks forward to the day when Vanderbilt dominates SEC football.

Thanks, Cooper, for making the miles pleasant!


  1. Rebecca on August 25, 2018 at 7:25 am

    Charlie, he was a good dog. And you were definitely one of his favorite people.

    Thank you.

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