Resources on RTS Jackson

RTS Jackson Book Club

By Charlie Wingard · January 13, 2016 · 0 Comments
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Reading books and conversations about books are two of life’s finest pleasures. Add to the mix RTS Jackson students and spouses, and you have the makings for a perfect evening. Last night was the first of what Lynne and I hope will be many RTS book club meetings. After a chili diner, we discussed Jason Roberts A Sense of the World: How a Blind Man Became the World’s Greatest Traveler. My reflections on the book are here. I am grateful to students Justin Jones-Fosu and Ashley Williams for suggesting the club. In our “Christian Life in a Secular World Course,” reading Neil Postman’s Amusing Ourselves to Death prompted conversations about the need to read books purely for enjoyment and personal edification, and in our situation, texts that…

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