Resources on Letters

Tips for RTS Students: Writing Notes and Letters

By Charlie Wingard · July 12, 2018 · 0 Comments
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My first attempt to become a candidate for ministry stalled in the early 80s. I was a member of a rural church in Middle Tennessee, and my session enthusiastically recommended me to Presbytery. We were an evangelical congregation in a theologically liberal Presbyterian denomination and that was a problem. Far from home, studying at Princeton Theological Seminary, the Presbytery informed me that my candidacy would not move forward. I was so disappointed. Soon, notes and letters began arriving from members of my congregation telling me how proud they were of me, assuring me of their prayers, and urging me to persevere. Notes and letters from caring people were God’s gift to me – just at the right moment when I…

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Comforting a Grieving Nation

By Charlie Wingard · April 4, 2015 · 0 Comments
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This week a 147 peopled were massacred at Kenya’s Garissa University College. On Good Friday, the Archbishop of the nation’s Anglican Church published a powerful and moving pastoral letter that concludes : “While governments have a vital role, even more important are the hearts and minds of ordinary people. Let us covenant together before God that we will never ever surrender our nation or our faith in Christ to those who glory in death and destruction. We will not be intimidated because we know and trust in the power of the cross, God’s power to forgive our sins, to turn death into the gate of glory and to make us his children for ever.”

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To a Soldier’s Wife: “I am lying mortally wounded”

By Charlie Wingard · January 26, 2015 · 0 Comments
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  Joshua Chamberlain is best remembered as the hero of the battle of Little Round Top at Gettysburg. Today I want to remember him as the author of a remarkable letter. A Bowdoin College professor, Chamberlain possessed no formal military experience when he enlisted after the outbreak of the Civil War. However, he proved himself a quick study in the art of leadership, rapidly rising to the rank of colonel of the 20th Maine. The young leader established himself an able field commander. His clear thinking, personal courage, and command presence under fire were critical in repulsing the Alabama 15th’s attempt to take Little Round Top on July 2, 1863. Had the Confederates succeeded, leaving the Union left flank exposed, the withdrawal of the northern army from Gettysburg would have been…

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A Father’s Plea: Get an Honest Husband

By Charlie Wingard · January 22, 2015 · 0 Comments
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John Adams, who would become our second president,  travelled across Europe in behalf of the young nation. Even when separated by ocean, he and his beloved wife, Abigail, stayed in touch by letter, expressing their mutual admiration and devotion, offering commentary on the major political issues of the day, and diligently tending to the pressing concerns of family life. Letters took months to arrive, so much consideration was given to their composition. Each thought had to be weighed carefully and expressed clearly, every word just right. In a 1782 letter Abigail informed him of their 17-year-old daughter Nabby’s romantic interest in a promising young lawyer, Royall Tyler, the talented son of an affluent family. Gifted with a sharp mind, he became valedictorian of his class at Harvard. By all accounts,…

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