Resources by Charlie Wingard

Lord, Increase Our Faith!

By Charlie Wingard · July 4, 2015 · 0 Comments
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“Faith is at the root of all that is good; and unbelief, of all that is evil. According to our faith will every grace be found within us. Look at a person in a state of departure from his God: to what is his condition owing? There is ‘in him an evil heart of unbelief, in departing from the living God.’ Look at persons anxious to attain the highest grace, so as to be able to forgive their brother, not seven times, but seventy times seven: for what do they pray? an increase of love? no; but of faith: ‘Lord, increase our faith.’” – Charles Simeon, Horae Homileticae: Philippians to 1 Timothy (vol. 18; London: Holdsworth and Ball, 1833), 316.

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Can We Ever Think Too Highly of Christ?

By Charlie Wingard · July 3, 2015 · 0 Comments
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“Can we ever give too much honour to Christ? Can we ever think too highly of him? . . . Men may easily fall into error about the three persons in the holy Trinity, if they do not carefully adhere to the teaching of Scripture. But no man ever errs on the side of giving too much honour to God the Son. Christ is the meeting-point between the Trinity and the sinner’s soul. ‘He that honoureth not the Son honoureth not the Father which hath sent him’ (John 5:23).” – J.C. Ryle, Expository Thoughts on John, Vol 1. 1869. (Carlisle, PA: Banner of Truth Trust, 2012), 27.

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A Prayer for the Lord’s Day, June 28 (based on Psalm 87)

By Charlie Wingard · June 27, 2015 · 0 Comments
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O LORD GOD, the only founder of thy church, augment and increase daily the number of the faithful by the preaching of thy holy Evangel, that the darkness of ignorance may be chased out of the world, and that thy name may be known over all. May all men resort out of all parts to render themselves under the obedience of thy Word, and may they reverence thee with their whole hearts, through Jesus Christ, our Lord. AMEN. –  Prayers on the Psalms from the Scottish Psalter of 1595 (Carlisle, PA: Banner of Truth, 2010), 101-102.

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Robert Walker Maclagan, ruling elder

By Charlie Wingard · June 22, 2015 · 0 Comments
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  A native of Scotland, my maternal grandfather, Robert Walker Maclagan, served as a ruling elder at Central Presbyterian Church in Atlanta, Georgia. I never knew him; he died more than two decades before my birth. He had two sons, my Mother’s only siblings. Robert, Jr. lived less than a month. John Malcolm died a few weeks before his third birthday in 1922. I am named after Malcolm (my middle name). The early deaths of his young sons explain my grandfather’s special interest in the baby clinic. Robert Maclagan arrived in New York in February 1915, and joined Central Presbyterian Church later that year. He was elected deacon in 1916 and ruling elder in 1931. My mother, Roberta Emma Maclagan Wingard, made…

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A Prayer for the Lord’s Day, June 21 (based on Psalm 85)

By Charlie Wingard · June 20, 2015 · 0 Comments
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O LORD, who never leavest imperfect that which thou hast begun, although our wickedness and unthankfulness deserve that we should be deprived of all thy benefits, nevertheless we beseech thee of thy great mercy to cast away our sins; and grant that we may fear and serve thee in such sort that thou maintain us in peace and tranquillity, through Jesus Christ our Lord. AMEN. –  Prayers on the Psalms from the Scottish Psalter of 1595 (Carlisle, PA: Banner of Truth, 2010), 96-97.

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