Tips for RTS Students: Start the School Year Strong

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Summer orientation at Reformed Theological Seminary Jackson  is this Friday, June 14. To our new Master of Divinity and Master of Arts in Counseling students, welcome to our campus!

I serve as RTS Jackson’s Dean of Students. You should know that any time my door is open you are welcome to come in and talk. My office is located on the second floor of the Dean Center. If it is an emergency, I can be reached on my cell at any time. My number is posted at the foot of the stairs to my office and in the student handbook.

New and returning students are invited to dinner at Patterson’s Porch on Friday June 14 at 6 p.m. My wife, Lynne, will prepare a meal for the campus; your spouse and children are invited.

During my time at RTS, I occasionally post tips for seminarians. Below are topics and links that will help you get off to a good start. Enjoy your studies to the glory of God!

Tips for RTS Students: Five Important Strategies for New Seminarians

Tips for RTS Students: Managing Your Course Syllabi

Tips for RTS Students: Seeking a Pastoral Call

Tips for RTS Students: Writing Notes and Letters

Tips For RTS Students: For a Long and Fruitful Ministry


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