Sunday: The Pastor’s Best Day!

Day of all the week the best,
Emblem of eternal rest.*

Preparing for the Lord’s Day is the obligation of every Christian, and especially gospel ministers. A part of that preparation means cultivating the right attitude toward Sunday. Yes, it is the best day of the week!

Francis Grimké has just the attitude we need:

Sunday is a great day for the minister; and if he is the right kind of a minister, it will also be a great day for his flock. Sunday is the day particularly on which he is to meet his flock, on which he is to feed them, to lead them into green pastures and beside still waters. It is the day particularly in which he has the opportunity of reading and expounding to them the Word of God.

How anxiously he should look forward to it, and how carefully and prayerfully he should prepare himself for it, careful as to how he feeds them and what he feeds them on. It is his opportunity, preeminent, of instilling into them the ideals and principles set forth in the Scriptures and upon which their whole future welfare will depend. It is to him or should be ‘the day of all the week the best.’**


* John Newton, “Safely Through Another Week”

** Francis Grimke, Meditations on Preaching (Log College Press, 2018), 88.

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