Resources on Tips for RTS Students

Tips for RTS Students: How Valuable Is a Theological Education?

By Charlie Wingard · August 31, 2018 · 0 Comments
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How valuable is theological education? 19th century professor and pastor Samuel Miller writes: “Nothing can be plainer than that ignorance, or small and indigested knowledge is, next to the want of piety, one of the most serious defects in a candidate for the sacred office. . . . No Church, therefore, which neglects the proper education of her ministers, can be considered as faithful, either to her own most vital interests, or to the honour of her divine Head and Lord.” ____ James M. Garretson, An Able and Faithful Ministry: Samuel Miller and the Pastoral Office (Reformation Heritage Books, 2014), 78.

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Tips for RTS Students: Writing Notes and Letters

By Charlie Wingard · July 12, 2018 · 0 Comments
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My first attempt to become a candidate for ministry stalled in the early 80s. I was a member of a rural church in Middle Tennessee, and my session enthusiastically recommended me to Presbytery. We were an evangelical congregation in a theologically liberal Presbyterian denomination and that was a problem. Far from home, studying at Princeton Theological Seminary, the Presbytery informed me that my candidacy would not move forward. I was so disappointed. Soon, notes and letters began arriving from members of my congregation telling me how proud they were of me, assuring me of their prayers, and urging me to persevere. Notes and letters from caring people were God’s gift to me – just at the right moment when I…

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Tips For RTS Students: For a Long and Fruitful Ministry

By Charlie Wingard · April 22, 2016 · 0 Comments
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(Adapted from remarks to my students at Reformed Theological Seminary Jackson on April 19, 2016.) I want for each of you a long and fruitful ministry. For that to happen, many things must take place. This afternoon I’ll focus on two. First, for a long and fruitful ministry you must intercede for your congregation in your secret prayers. Secret prayer – the time you spend alone with the Lord pouring out your heart for the congregation he has called you to serve and seeking those graces you must have if you’re to serve them well. Without secret prayer there can be no real Christian ministry. That’s why Bishop Moule sought to impress upon his ministerial students that the “the heart…

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