Resources on History – Military

Charting a Military Disaster

By Charlie Wingard · November 5, 2013 · 0 Comments
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I found this remarkable graph/map of Charles Joseph Minard on Cartographia (click map to enlarge), which includes this description: “Napoleon Bonaparte began his ill-fated 1812 invasion of the Russian Empire with 422,000 men. With each step further into Russian territory, more and more soldiers died or deserted. By the time it reached Moscow, Napoleon’s army had dwindled to 100,000 men–already less than a quarter the size it had been at the start. During their disastrous retreat out of Russia, temperatures plunged to −37.5 °C. Nearly half the remaining survivors of the invasion were killed during the botched crossing of the Berezina River. Of the 422,000 men who set out on the invasion, barely 10,000 of them returned alive. “All this…

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Various & Sundry: September 27

By Charlie Wingard · September 27, 2013 · 0 Comments
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German and American soldiers unite to fight one of the last battles of World War II in Europe. Exceedingly strange but true. “What do you do with the site of a mass shooting?” David Murray provides a helpful explanation of the regulative principle of worship. Paul Tripp on ministry readiness and spiritual maturity. On performing Shakespeare with the original pronunciation.

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