Resources by Charlie Wingard
In February 1945 Associated Press photographer Joseph Rosenthal snapped what became the most widely distributed photograph in America’s history, the raising of the our flag atop Mount Suribachi on Iwo Jima. During the month long battle to take the 8 square mile island, 6,800 United States Marines gave their lives; 21,000 more were wounded. The sliver of land became a strategic airbase for U.S. fighters escorting heavy bombers on missions to Japan, and a haven for crippled aircraft that otherwise would have been lost to the unforgiving sea. Joe Rosenthal’s photograph captures the valor and fierce determination of the United States Marine Corps. It is also one of the cherished cultural symbols of what Tom Brokaw calls “the greatest generation,”…
Read More4. Lord’s Day Question 9. Does not God then do injustice to man, by requiring from him in his law, that which he cannot perform? Answer: Not at all; for God made man capable of performing it; but man, by the instigation of the devil, and his own willful disobedience,deprived himself and all his posterity of those divine gifts. Question 10. Will God suffer such disobedience and rebellion to go unpunished? Answer: By no means; but is terribly displeased with our original as well as actual sins; and will punish them in his just judgment temporally and eternally, (as he has declared, “Cursed is every one that continues not in all things, which are written in the book of the…
Read More“ALMIGHTY and everlasting God, mercifully look upon our infirmities, and in all our dangers and necessities stretch forth thy right hand to help and defend us; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.” – 1662 Book of Common Prayer
Read More“We quickly learn that God is more interested in our holiness than in our comfort. He more greatly delights in the integrity and purity of his church than in the material well-being of its members. He shows himself more clearly to men and women who enjoy him and obey him than to men and women whose horizons revolve around good jobs, nice houses, and reasonable health. He is far more committed to building a corporate ‘temple’ in which his Spirit dwells than he is in preserving our reputations. He is more vitally disposed to display his grace than to flatter our intelligence. He is more concerned for justice than for our ease. He is more deeply committed to stretching our…
Read MoreClick here for Sunday’s bulletin. 1. MORNING WORSHIP (9:30): Charlie Wingard, preaching Ecclesiastes 11:1-12:14 “Living Wisely in a Broken World” (9) 2. ADULT SUNDAY SCHOOL (11:00): Instruments in the Redeemer’s Hands Michael Shipma will be teaching a course based on the book Instruments in the Redeemer’s Hands by Paul David Tripp. It will weave video instruction with class discussion on the topic of how God uses people, who themselves are in need of change, to be instruments of change in other people’s lives. Please contact Michael if you would like more info or a copy of the book. (Meets in room 105/106) Christians in Politics 3: Religion and Law in America Nat Causey explores the history of our right to…
Read MoreIn my opinion, the best manuals of the Christian life remain the historic Reformed confessions and catechisms, and especially the Westminster Confession of Faith, the Westminster Larger and Shorter Catechisms, the Belgic Confession, the Heidelberg Catechism, and the Canons of Dort. In them we learn what we are to believe about God and man, the way of salvation, the shape of godly behavior, and the life of prayer. Michael Barrett’s The Grace of Godliness: An introduction to doctrine and piety in the Canons of Dort places the Canons in their early 17th century historical context and provides a good exposition of its main points. Both the Canons and Barrett’s fine commentary identify the vital connection between the doctrines of…
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