Resources by Charlie Wingard
FATHER OF ALL MERCIES, who delightest not in the death of a sinner, have compassion upon us, and wash us from all our sins that we have committed against thy holy Majesty since the time we first came into this world. Create in us a clean heart, and strengthen us continually with the power of thy Holy Sprit, that we, being truly consecrated to thy service, may set forth thy praises, through Jesus Christ, our Savior. AMEN. – Prayers on the Psalms from the Scottish Psalter of 1595 (Carlisle, PA: Banner of Truth, 2010), 75.
Read MoreO LORD, the only refuge and strength of all them who put their trust in thee, we beseech thee of thy goodness to fortify us, and to destroy the devices of the wicked in such sort that we may live in quietness of spirit; that we may serve and honour thee all the days of our life, through Jesus Christ, thy Son. AMEN. – Prayers on the Psalms from the Scottish Psalter of 1595 (Carlisle, PA: Banner of Truth, 2010), 71-72.
Read MoreMore and more Christians choose cremation instead of burial. The reasons vary. For some it is a matter of hygiene, for others it is the only option available; still others choose cremation for financial reasons. Many Christians believe the Bible is silent on the matter. Since I am frequently asked whether cremation is a viable Christian alternative to burial, let me share with you some thoughts on both cremation and burial. I believe the Bible has more to say about the matter than many suppose.[1] At the outset let me make clear that while I believe a good scriptural case can be made for traditional Christian burial, I do not intend for a moment to cast doubt upon the faith of…
Read More“GOOD LORD, AND GOD ALMIGHTY, who for the fulfilling of thy holy promises, hast sent unto us thy dear Son, our King and Redeemer, grant that we order ourselves, under the obedience of thy holy Word, that we may renounce ourselves and all our carnal affections; and that we may be an occasion to all people to celebrate thy holy name throughout the whole earth, and that through the self-same Jesus Christ, our only Savior. AMEN.” – Prayers on the Psalms from the Scottish Psalter of 1595 (Carlisle, PA: Banner of Truth, 2010), 71.
Read MoreI know of no more beautiful declaration of a pastor’s love for his people than Paul’s words to the struggling young church at Thessalonica: “So, being affectionately desirous of you, we were ready to share with you not only the gospel of God but also our own selves, because you had become very dear to us” (1 Thessalonians 2:8). Isn’t that what ministry all about? Share the gospel . . . share your life . . . regard people with tender affection. Share the gospel – for without it, there is no salvation (Romans 1:16). Share your life – for without giving yourself to people, there is no mutual bearing of burdens that fulfills the law of Christ (Galatians 6:2). Regard people with tender…
Read MoreO LORD, who by thy providence dost guide and govern all things, and who hast sent to us thy well-beloved Son, to deliver us from sin and death, by the oblation of his body on the Cross, grant that we may continually acknowledge this thy great and inestimable benefit, and that we may ever have our hearts and mouths open to proclaim thy praises among all men, by thy self-same Son, Jesus Christ, our Savior. AMEN. – Prayers on the Psalms from the Scottish Psalter of 1595 (Carlisle, PA: Banner of Truth, 2010), 67.
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