Resources by Charlie Wingard

Roy Benavidez: A Testimony of Valor

By Charlie Wingard · May 25, 2015 · 0 Comments
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Take a few minutes of your Memorial Day to listen to the story of Master Sergeant Roy Benavidez. Truthful, earnest, and orderly speeches, backed up by the speaker’s physical and moral courage, compel an audience’s attention. Seargeant Benavidez exemplifies each of these virtues as he speaks after receiving the Congressional Medal of Honor. Of the many speeches I showed my rhetoric and debate students at Westminster Christian Academy, this one became a class favorite. After President Reagan’s summary of his battlefield valor, Mr. Benavidez speaks.

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A Prayer for the Lord’s Day, May 24 (based on Psalm 73)

By Charlie Wingard · May 23, 2015 · 0 Comments
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O SWEET AND GRACIOUS LORD, grant us of thy grace that we never be so envious of the prosperous estate of the ungodly that we decline from the right course of the godly, but that we may be more and more assured of thy goodness and providence, in such sort that our whole aim may be to be perpetually conjoined with thee, through thy only Son, Jesus Christ our Savior. AMEN. –  Prayers on the Psalms from the Scottish Psalter of 1595 (Carlisle, PA: Banner of Truth, 2010), 91.

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A Prayer for the Lord’s Day, May 17 (based on Psalm 69)

By Charlie Wingard · May 16, 2015 · 0 Comments
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“ETERNAL FATHER, and God of all consolation, who to make satisfaction for our sins didst cast down thy only Son to extreme pains and anguish, and hast ordained thy church to pass by the same way of affliction, we beseech thee most fervently that, forasmuch as we are destitute of all help of men, we may so much the more be assured of thy mercy and goodness, that we may praise the same before all creatures,  both now and forevermore. AMEN.” –  Prayers on the Psalms from the Scottish Psalter of 1595 (Carlisle, PA: Banner of Truth, 2010), 88.  

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Cicada Central

By Charlie Wingard · May 13, 2015 · 0 Comments
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The dogwood tree at the northwest corner of Grace Chapel is covered with hundreds of periodical cicada shells, making it cicada central at RTS Jackson. Look down and see the holes from which the insects emerged after 13 years of nourishing themselves on the tree’s roots. According to the Mississippi Extension Service “there are only three broods of 13-year cicadas in the world and Mississippi is the only state where all three broods occur” – another marvel that makes our state an endlessly fascinating place to live, study, and work.

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Cicada Central

By Charlie Wingard · May 13, 2015 · 0 Comments
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The dogwood tree at the northwest corner of Grace Chapel is covered with hundreds of periodical cicada shells, making it cicada central at RTS Jackson. Look down and see the holes from which the insects emerged after 13 years of nourishing themselves on the tree’s roots. According to the Mississippi Extension Service “there are only three broods of 13-year cicadas in the world and Mississippi is the only state where all three broods occur” – another marvel that makes our state an endlessly fascinating place to live, study, and work.

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A Prayer for the Lord’s Day, May 10 (based on Psalm 61)

By Charlie Wingard · May 9, 2015 · 0 Comments
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ALMIGHTY GOD, the help and defence of all them that fear thee, grant that we may securely live under the safeguard and protection of thy well-beloved Son, Jesus Christ. Grant also that his kingdom, by thy great power, may prosper and be advanced daily more and more; and that we, being settled upon thy promises, may render unto thee the sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving, both now and evermore. AMEN. –  Prayers on the Psalms from the Scottish Psalter of 1595 (Carlisle, PA: Banner of Truth, 2010), 61.

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