Resources by Charlie Wingard
I want my ministry students at RTS Jackson to become skilled in pastoral visitation, which includes visiting people in their homes. In the late 19th century, Bishop J.C. Ryle was troubled by “a growing disposition throughout the land, among the clergy, to devote an exaggerated amount of attention to what I must call the public work of ministry, and to give comparatively too little attention to pastoral visitation and personal dealing with individual souls.” In his excellent biography of Ryle, Iain Murray comments: “However eloquent or apparently knowledgeable a preacher may be, there will be something seriously lacking in the man who is not to be found in the homes of his people. Sermons which come only from the study are not…
Read More“Personal application has been called the ‘soul’ of preaching. A sermon without application is like a letter posted without a direction: it may be well written, rightly dated, and duly signed; but it is useless, because it never reaches its destination.” – J.C. Ryle, Expository Thoughts on Matthew. 1856 (Edinburgh: Banner of Truth, 2012), 126.
Read MoreMy RTS Jackson colleague, Dr. John Kwasny, teaches FPC Yazoo’s teacher/parents on the theological and philosophical foundations of Christian Education. John is director of One Story Ministries. First Presbyterian Church’s Fall Sunday School resumes tomorrow at 10 a.m.
Read MoreCongratulations Brian Gault! For 21 years Brian has faithfully served Reformed Theological Seminary Jackson. On Tuesday he was licensed to preach by Mississippi Valley Presbytery. Bebo Elkin administered the licensure vows at Northpointe Presbyterian Church in Meridian.
Read MoreWith characteristic enthusiasm, conviction, and thoughtfulness, Stephanie Jones-Fosu spoke today to my Yazoo City Rotary Club on behalf of Teach for America. For the past three years, Stephanie has served as Teacher Leadership Development Coach, training more than 40 teachers in our district. Stephanie and Justin Jones-Fosu were my neighbors in Clinton, and among those who graciously welcomed Lynne and me to the Reformed Theological Seminary Jackson family two-and-a-half years ago. We are grateful for friends who work tirelessly to make our communities good places to live and work.
Read MoreCommenting on Psalm 128:1-3, William Plumer writes: “No man over-estimates the blessings of peace and concord in all the relations of life . . . Nor until he sacrifices truth, honor, righteousness or a good conscience does he ever pay too much for them.” William S. Plumer, Psalms: A Critical and Expository Commentary with Doctrinal and Practical Remarks. 1867 (Carlisle, PA: Banner of Truth, 1990), 1139.
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