Resources by Charlie Wingard
I require my RTS Jackson students to memorize large amounts of scripture. My hope is that they will make scripture memorization a lifelong discipline. In preaching, teaching, counseling, and leading congregational prayer, pastors must have the ability to recall scripture. A few months ago, my friends Jonah and C.L. recommended the Verses app. I have used it for two months and found it a valuable help. For example, my Personal Sanctification class is memorizing Romans 6:1-14. In the Verses app, users will find memory games to assist them. Tracking progress on Verses is easy. Verses can be downloaded from the App Store. I highly recommend this app.
Read MoreBiographer and journalist Robert A. Caro shares glimpses of his life and writing subjects in Working: Researching, Interviewing, Writing. Since the 1960s, his professional career has been devoted to biographies of two twentieth century giants: New York City infrastructure planner Robert Moses (though never elected to public office, he became one of the most powerful men in his state for forty years), and Lyndon Baines Johnson, who as president, reshaped American society. Johnson’s accomplishments were breathtaking. Working with Congress, he secured the 1964 Civil Rights Act, the 1965 Voting Rights Act, the 1965 Immigration Act, Medicaid, Medicare, Head Start, education bills, and War on Poverty legislation. He dramatically increased the scope of the conflict in Vietnam. Four of the projected…
Read MoreIf you’re considering seminary in the next 12-24 months, register for this live webinar, sponsored by Reformed Theological Seminary, Jackson.
Read MoreIn 2014, God sent me to Reformed Theological Seminary Jackson to serve as professor of pastoral theology and dean of students. I love my school; here are nine reasons why: 1. I Love the Students at RTS Jackson. I am the campus’s professor of preaching. Last semester that meant listening to nearly 100 sermons. Some think I’ve been sentenced to hard labor. What could be more tedious than the sermons of novice preachers? Thankfully, I have good news. The sermons I hear are faithful to the scriptures and edify my soul. Student sermons have become a cherished part of my devotional life. I merely assist students in cultivating the gifts God has given them. My denominational home is the…
Read MoreGod’s Ambassadors: The Westminster Assembly and the Reformation of the English Pulpit, 1643–1653, by Chad Van Dixhoorn. Grand Rapids: Reformation Heritage, 2017, xxi + 215 pages, $40.00. The mere convening of the Westminster Assembly in 1643 is a wonder. Since the days of Edward VI, reform efforts in the church of England had stalled or been reversed under his Protestant successors, Elizabeth, James, and Charles I. The eruption of the English Civil War, with its political and military tumult, made the convening even more unlikely. But convene it did, and over the next decade, the fruits of its labors were prodigious. General histories and expositions of the assembly’s Confession of Faith and Catechisms are many. What distinguishes God’s Ambassadors: The Westminster…
Read MoreSummer orientation at Reformed Theological Seminary Jackson is this Friday, June 14. To our new Master of Divinity and Master of Arts in Counseling students, welcome to our campus! I serve as RTS Jackson’s Dean of Students. You should know that any time my door is open you are welcome to come in and talk. My office is located on the second floor of the Dean Center. If it is an emergency, I can be reached on my cell at any time. My number is posted at the foot of the stairs to my office and in the student handbook. New and returning students are invited to dinner at Patterson’s Porch on Friday June 14 at 6 p.m. My wife,…
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