Thomas Murphy on Brotherly Kindness in Ecclesiastical Assemblies

Thomas Murphy’s addresses presbyters serving in the church’s higher courts. Nevertheless, his advice is useful to all Christians who find themselves engaged in public controversy:

“There are some persons who seem to lose their Christian spirit and temper as soon as they engage in public discussions. They enter upon them in a wrangling and angry manner, and at once render the exercise of calm, Christian wisdom impossible. Such a spirit is utterly inconsistent with the character which should be found Christ’s servants.  . . . Each one, as he has opportunity should strive to banish angry strifes.  . . .  It is like men to resent opposition, but it is like Christ to bear it.””

– Thomas Murphy, Pastoral Theology: The Pastor in the Various Duties of His Office (Audubon New Jersey: Old Paths Publications, 1996; first published, 1877), 485-486.


  1. Sterling Sorrell on August 1, 2014 at 7:55 pm

    Charlie, I am in need of this advice, and am going to share it with Matt Burnett pastor of my own congregation at Holy Trinity Anglican Church, here, near the Air Force Academy. Regards, Sterling Sorrell

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